Timothy M. Kelly, DMD, PA

The Link Between Dental Care and Heart Health

Aug 9, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by Tim Kelly, DMD, PA
Tagged with: General Dentistry Tooth Decay Restorative Dentistry

Professional dental care offers a number of benefits to patients, including strong teeth, a healthy gum line, and good overall oral health. However, in recent years, many studies have indicated that dental care also benefits a person’s physical health, and in particular, the health of the heart. General dentistry services and restorative dentistry treatments ensure that the teeth and gums remain in good health, which, it has been shown, can promote good hearth health and decrease the risk of heart disease or a heart attack. Dr. Tim Kelly explains the link between dental care and heart health to Albuquerque patients so that they can take advantage of this information to ensure that their mouths and bodies stay healthy.

The Oral Health/Heart Health Connection

Although many studies have been conducted about the link between oral health and heart health, there are still questions that have not been answered, such as why the link exists. Despite the knowledge that has yet to be gained, there is a lot of information that we do have, such as how oral health effects heart health and vice/versa.

What studies have repeatedly shown is that patients who have poor oral health, and specifically those who suffer from gum disease, are more likely to suffer from heart disease or to experience a heart attack. The same has shown to be true in reverse; if a patient suffers from heart disease or a heart attack, they have an increased risk of developing gum disease.

Benefiting from this Knowledge

By understanding the link between oral health and heart health, patients can take actions to better preserve both their oral health and their physical health. First and foremost, patients should undergo regular dental exams and professional cleanings. These appointments, which should be scheduled at least biannually, are extremely beneficial to maintaining good oral health and diagnosing any dental problems that may develop into a more serious condition.

If oral health problems are detected (especially gum disease) it is important to treat the problem right away. By treating conditions before they become more severe, patients can prevent infection and inflammation, two conditions that are believed to be the possible link between oral health and heart health.

In short, what we learn from the link between heart health and oral health is that professional dental care and at-home oral hygiene habits are extremely beneficial. Not only will these practices help patients to preserve the beautiful and healthy smile that they desire, but they can also help to promote physical well being and may be helpful in the prevention of heart disease or heart attack.

Schedule an Appointment

Oral hygiene habits are vital to one’s oral health and any strong oral hygiene routine includes regular dental exams and cleanings. If you are due for a routine dental appointment and are looking for a trusted and experienced dentist, look no further than Dr. Tim Kelly. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to learn about the comprehensive range of dental treatments offered by Dr. Kelly and how they can help you preserve both oral and heart health. We look forward to hearing from you!